Missing the Bus
How do you find a lost hippie bus?
How do you LOSE a bus?
It’s about time.

The 50th anniversary of Woodstock is coming up in August 2019 and we’re on a mission to find, restore, and repaint a 1963 Volkswagen Type II that’s become known at THE WOODSTOCK BUS.
Here’s a local Baltimore news article about our search that’s been going on for about a year now.
We have to expand the search.
This is our last ditch effort to find information about the original bus. If nothing comes of the search in the next month or so we have a plan in place to restore a matching year and model bus (1963, 11 Window, non-walk through Volkswagen Type II, which we’ve yet to find). It’s a complicated project. We’re documenting the whole story for a TV program.
The bus was last seen about November 1972 near Baltimore.

Our last photo and licence plate is from April 1972. We’ve exhausted all leads. We’ve searched the archives for the registration. We’ve consulted detectives and psychics, investigators, experts, and VW fans and collectors worldwide.
If you can help us with any information about the fate of the bus, we’d love to hear from you.
If you have any connection to a matching bus that would be right for this project, we’d love to hear from you.
If you’d like to contribute to the restoration and painting we’d love to hear from you.
Our Kickstarter launched May 1st which enables friends and fans to get involved with the project - visit HERE.
The schedule is to get the bus ready for painting in August 2018 and then get it on the road to Woodstock the long way round America. After the anniversary we’ll be looking for the best possible ‘forever home’ for the bus – a museum or gallery – so that it can be shared with the most people and it won’t be lost again.

Dr. Bob Hieronomus painted the bus in the summer of ‘69 for musician friends. It was called "Light" after the band and later nicknamed the "Woodstock Bus". It sounds hard to believe, but the hippie era ended and these folks don’t remember what happened to the bus.
Dr. Bob ended up with the bus, sort of, but does not remember to whom he sold it or possibly gave it away to circa November 1972. At the time it was a rusting relic that was not recognized as a historic icon yet. After his musician friend Bob Grimm, the original owner of this bus, drove it back from the Woodstock festival, he later left it with Dr. Bob when he went to England to pursue his musical career with The Four Seasons. The Woodstock Bus then became a community van, used by all the members of the Savitria community and AUM Esoteric Study Center running around town. In the end, it was literally falling apart. Many engines were installed, transmissions repaired, the floor rusted out and it was dangerous to drive.
In the years that followed VW buses have become a symbol of the era and the generation; they’ve also become valuable collector’s cars and campers and kept on the road by hundreds of thousands of loyal fans. The LIGHT bus has become possibly America’s most recognizable and valuable piece of lost automotive pop art.
We’re out to help Dr. Bob restore it, and along with it maybe restore something of the Woodstock spirit of peace, love, and understanding.